Friday, 19 April 2013

Now Looks like a Book

Friday, April 19th, 2013

It's a stormy spring day with menancing clouds which threaten rain. Not a day I'd prefer to go out, but out I go to pick up my book printed out by Staples. My father wants to go to Costco and he doesn't drive anymore so I will take him. I'll probably pick up a few things for myself.

Made it back from Costco with my sanity intact. Lost Dad for about an hour as I ran around the whole store looking for him. I feel like I've walked a marathon. When I finally located him, he didn't seemed phased by my absence.

Well, my third book Shall We Chat? Revealing the Secrets of Chatting Online has been printed out and it looks great. Now I have to read it over again and check for any problems or mistakes.

But, first, I'm going to relax and play in an online poker tournament. Let's see if I can win some money to pay for the publishing.

So, all is well and I'm happy to be at home.


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