To assist in thickening my social register, I put an ad in Kijiji (a Canadian version of Craigslist) seeking to find new friends. A woman, Mary, replied to my ad and we have become friends. She is recently single and has tried a bit of chatting. Unfortunately, she has found herself in a sticky situation and so called me up last night to ask if she could come over. I had given her Shall We Chat? Revealing the Secrets of Chatting Online and she felt I might be best in assisting her.
Along with her cute dog, Mary arrived last night in a thunderstorm. Was she ever desperate to talk. I was so glad that I was available to her. We had a wonderful discussion and I think I helped ease her worries. She said a few times how reading my book had helped her. I'm glad I have helped even one person.
Work is proceeding slowly with Locker Rooms. I have taken a fine toothed comb and am reviewing each word, sentence, paragraph to make it a better novel. I think I have made some good improvements.
Sleeping great! I feel so much better. That little CPAC machine has given me back my life. Something so simple as blowing air into my nose all night has cured my sleep problems. Ridiculous, eh?
have fun,
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